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Chicks for Home

“Hatching Chicks gave my children a fantastic opportunity to experience the beauty of lifes beginnings, truly amazing!”

- Lachlan Meeks -

When can I do a Program?

The Hatching Chicks Program is done over a 12 day period, usually during a school holiday period. You can do the program at any other  time however the earlier you book the more chance you have of getting the date you would prefer.

It is a 12 day program. We deliver to you on the Monday of the first week. It will take about 5 minutes to get it set up. You will need to watch the instruction videos under the Instructions page before we deliver and also have a table ready in a suitable spot. We then return on the Friday of the second week to collect everything.

What do I get?

On the delivery day I will bring along an incubator and 8 to 12 eggs that are due to hatch on the following day. I will also bring the brooder box which is where the chicks will live for the following 10 days after they hatch. You will be supplied with everything you need to care for the chicks including: chick food and a supply of wood shavings for litter on the bottom of the box. Also on this website under instructions & activities there are  instruction videos, educational material and craft activities.

Where can the Incubator and Brooder Box go?

It is best to set the incubator and brooder box up in a central area of your house where the chicks will be easy to observe. Not much space is required, the incubator is 30cm in diameter and the brooder box is 60cm x30cm. Both the incubator and the brooder box can be set up on a small table beside a power point as both will require power. It should be in a spot that does not get direct sunlight coming through a window as this will overheat the chicks.

What About Other Pets in the House?

If you have dogs or cats inside you will need to watch their reaction to the chicks. In most cases the chicks are no more than a curious interest to them. If the chicks seem to present an irresistible temptation to them you will need to keep them out of the same room.

Can We Handle the Chicks & Ducks?

Yes the chicks are not timid and they enjoy being handled gently once they have recovered from hatching at a day old. As they grow older they love to be taken out of the box for a run around the room or a scratch around outside. You will need to stay with them outside as they are prey for crows and currawongs.

Do They Require Much Work to Look after?

No during the first week the chicks will not need much attention as they are so small, they sleep a lot and do not eat or drink very much. During the second week you will need to change the litter in the bottom of the brooder box and fill up the food and water containers daily. This is a chore that children enjoy doing.

What do we Need if we Want to Keep the Chicks & Ducks?

On the second Friday, we will collect all of the equipment and hatchlings from your facility. To ensure the process runs smoothly, please follow the instructions listed below:

Key Deadlines and Requirements

  1. Adoption and Purchase Information Submission

 The information must be received by 5 p.m. on the second Wednesday. This includes:

  1. Completed adoption paperwork
  2. Confirmation of hatchling purchase
  3. Confirmation of equipment purchase

This will allow us to prepare and pack your order for Friday's delivery. 

Steps to Follow

  1. Fill out the adoption application form on our website by 5pm on the second Wednesday. (click for adoption application form)
  2. Go back to our shop website to purchase the hatchlings and hatchling equipment necessary for the first 6–8 weeks. (click for link to shop)

Additional Notes

  1. Allow the children to have enough time to say goodbye to the chicks and ducklings on the second Thursday.
  2. If we have your number, you will receive an SMS from us detailing the exact time of collection on Friday.

Ethical Considerations

If you are interested in adopting the hatchlings, please ensure the adoption form is completed in accordance with the Department of Education's requirements for ACT and NSW Schools Animal Ethics.

By following these steps, you help ensure a seamless collection process and compliance with ethical guidelines.


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