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Hatching Chicks Program - NSW / ACT 2025


Hatching Chicks provides a Unique Experience to Families, Schools, Child Care or Aged Care, by presenting an Educational Program focused on watching and learning about eggs and Chicks and Ducklings Hatching, Growth & Care.

On the delivery day, we will bring along an incubator with approximately 10–11 eggs that are due to start hatching on the following day and throughout the first week. Two or three of the eggs will be duck eggs which hatch in the second week.

You will be supplied a brooder box, which is where the chicks and ducklings will live after they hatch. You will be supplied with everything you need to care for the chicks including chick food and a supply of wood shavings for litter on the bottom of the box. Also on this website, under instructions & activities. There are instruction videos, educational material and craft activities.

The day after they arrive, you will hear peeping noises coming from inside the eggs. Next, you will notice small holes appearing in the eggs. For a few hours, the chick will peck – rest -peck -rest. This process is slow and because there are lots of eggs all hatching at different times there is plenty of opportunity for observation.

After hatching, the chicks can be transferred to the transparent brooder box that is supplied by us. The box contains everything the chicks will need including food.


There is a possibility that children who have egg allergies, could be affected by participating in the hatching program. Please see our ALLERGIES Page here.


Whilst we are happy for you to book at any date available we do ask that you try to book in during the school holiday dates below as there are limited programs each week during the school terms.

Hatching Chicks Delivery Zones Map